The European Gang Talks Watches

Five enthusiasts from four countries, three(and a half) languages, two currencies and one passion. A couple of eager european guys from the global and glorious fifthwrist-family meet to talk watches.

The subject from which they deviate all the time is:can non-european watches be any good?

If you listen to what Phil, Benoît, Wolfgang, Claus and their guest from Cologne, Jan(@pippy, @petitsecondes, @w_a_t_c_h_s_t_y_l_e, @tapir_ffm and @between_the_lugs)have to say, you will – amongst others – learn:

> that you can successfully run a great and vivid podcast about vintage watches without knowing much about them

> why the parallax error is important

> which new useless complication will be ruling the watch market anytime soon

> the difference between Brian and Boris Johnson and …

> serious watch stuff, too(And they eventually manage to earn an «explicit»-labelling for that podcast.)

Show notes:

00:00 – Intro

01:18 – Wrist, drink and location checks

11:10 – What makes a Swiss/American/Chinese watch a Swiss/American/Chinese watch?

19:15 – The new Citizen 0200

29:00 – Watch Focus: the Colibrica Design Indicator

48:25 – Discussions on Seiko, on vintage watches and vintage Seikos …1:22:10 – Choose a non-european watch for 10k (spoiler: the Mars-watch wins)

1:37:30 – The Rant (Brexit edition)

1:45:10 – Instagram recommendations

2:08:30 – Outro

Instagram recommendations:







Shoutouts:@mikeinfrankfurt@[email protected]
Theme music: DIY by @tapir_ffm based on the aria «Ebben? Ne andrò lontana» of the opera «La Wally» by Alfredo Catalani

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Please take the time to leave us a review wherever you listen to our watchmaking podcast. Thank you for all the positive reviews & comments on our episodes. We read and appreciate each one!

About us

Fifth Wrist and Fifth Wrist Radio are both community run projects. Designed to serve the watch enthusiast community. We reject all forms of outside watch brand intervention and take no money, watches or goods from watch companies. Our podcasts are focussed on watchmaking, horology and the wonderful people who keep these skills alive. The future direction of the website and podcasts are driven by the people who take part in this project.

To join the action and get involved why not get started by reviewing one of your own Rolex watches released in 2021 at

The Fifth Wrist Podcast Crew record this watchmaking podcast audio using Blue Yeti microphones.

We hope you enjoy listening to this podcast episode and have as much as we had making it! Thanks to everyone in the Fifth Wrist community who give their time to make this project possible. The hosts, co-host, writers and editors, plus everyone who takes the time to share and promote this project daily.

Stay On Time & cheers from Anthony @defining_time and Alex @thewatchregulator

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