The Defining Time Show – H is for Hublot with Dr3ws

Moser CEO Edouard Meylan
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Another episode of the Defining Time Show on FifthWrist Radio. Join hosts Anthony (@defining_time) and FifthWrist founder Alex (@thewatchregulator) as we chat with today’s special guest Andrew (@dr3ws) – about the communities sheer hate for Hublot. We discuss why this is the case, but also why this shouldn’t be the case and would we have all the lightweight, rubber strap sports watches we all love if it wasn’t for Hublot and their innovative FUSION and BIG BANG. Controversial, yes, offensive, maybe, and plain old honest watch talk.  We won’t put too much more in the show notes because we don’t want to spoil the show. We battle against each other with a Hublot each under 10k, 20k and no limit. Listen to the end because there is a special announcement for Fifth Wrist and join the conversation (#fifthwristradio) on @defining_time’s instagram post.  Hope you enjoy this episode! Thank you to Andrew for joining us for the conversation and battle. 
Thank you for all the positive reviews & comments on our episodes. We read and appreciate each one!
Recommendations from this episode
Andrew: @Rac63l
Anthony:  @wristshotmvp
Theme Music: by @salil808
Follow us on Instagram: @FifthWrist
To join our crew group chat then please email us at [email protected] and if you have time please leave us a review wherever you listen to our podcast.
We hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed making it!
Stay On Time & Cheers from DownUnder
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