I have been (and still am) a vintage 1960s Seiko enthusiast for twenty-something years. I also aspired to own a vintage Rolex since reading those National Geographic ads back in the glorious 60s and 70s. Last year I felt I was ready to move on to this stage, consolidated my vintage Seiko collection to a few key pieces, and used the proceeds to bring a 60s Rolex Datejust into the fold. The vintage Rolex Datejust 1603 from 1967 was my choice – 36mm steel cased chronometer, engine-turned steel bezel and stunning pie-pan linen sigma dial. For me, this was the perfect combination of discrete, robust and unique. Wating for it to arrive, I wondered if it would live up to my expectations of the last 50 years…. in fact, I wondered if I even knew what my expectations were!

When the watch arrived, I opened the box with shaking hands, put it on and spent the rest of the day in a daze. It is everything I expected and more – 50 years of aspirational longing fuelled by those old ads culminated in an experience that transcends the watch itself. It’s my Superhero suit – when I put on the Datejust in the morning I feel ready to tackle the world! My remaining vintage Seikos are at least as fine watches as the vintage Rolex Datejust 1603, if not better – and this is reflected in my relatively low scoring on value. But the Rolex branding has worked its magic on me – add to that the iconic design status that ranks up there with my Rayban WayFarers, Levis 501s and Barbour jacket, and I’ve fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Here’s to the next twenty years of watch passion – now with a Rolex!
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